Tern Elegant (Thalasseus elegans) vagrant – Cape West South Africa
Full SizeThe Elegant Tern breeds on the Pacific coasts of the southern United States and Mexico and winters south to Peru, Ecuador and Chile. Thus a great surprise to find this vagrant in Cape Town. According to Ian Sinclair and Prof. Peter Ryan in 2013 a ringed Elegant Tern was captured near Walvis Bay the following DNA analysis the Elegant Tern they suspect it to be a hybrid.
- Species:Elegant Tern (Thalasseus elegans)
- Bird Type:Adult
- FamilyGulls, Terns and Skimmers (Laridae)
- Date Taken20170326
- Location:Strandfontein Sewerage Worksn
- Area:Cape Town
- Country:South Africa
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA75004a Tern Elegant V 3 Strandfontein Sewerage Works Cape Town RSA Mar17 PH2_8877