Welcome to World Bird Photos
This site is a personal non profit collection of bird photos commenced in 2003. Currently it lists 2645 species consisting of 9,250 images all recorded in the field. Photos taken in 47 countries include: North Africa and South of Sahara, Europe, Indian Sub Continent, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Malaysia, China, Southern and Central America, Galapagos, Mexico, Polynesia, Australasia as well as both the Arctic and Antarctic. I endeavour to photograph all birds spotted in a country irrespective if the same bird has been recorded in another county. Perhaps some similar species may be split in the future with DNA analysis?
Thanks and enjoy the views: Peter
STOP PRESS: During late May we toured Islands from Guernsey to the Shetlands seeing views of birds at sea and island reserves.

Recent Photographs

Raven Northern (Corvus corax) adult, Tower of London – England

Rockjumper Cape (Chaetops frenatus) male breeding- Cape West, South Africa

Barbet Red-and-Yellow (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus) male – Kenya

Greenfinch European (Chloris chloris) male – Ioana Isl, Scotland

Linnet Common (Carduelis cannabina) adult – Lundy Isl, England

Sparrow House (Passer domesticus) female – Fuola Island, Scotland

Sparrow House (Passer domesticus) male – Isles Scilly, England

Starling Common (Sturnus vulgaris) adult – St. Kilda Isl, Scotland

Raven Northern (Corvus corax) adult – Ioana Island, Scotland

Crow Hooded (Corvus cornix) in flight – Lundy Island, England

Crow Hooded (Corvus cornix) adult – Lundy Island, England

Blackbird Common (Turdus merula) adult – Herm Isl, Guernsey UK

Thrush Mistle (Turdus viscivorus) adult – Isles Scilly, England

Redwing (Turdus iliacus) adult – St. Kilda Island, Scotland

Stonechat European (Saxicola rubicula) male – Guernsey, UK

Wheatear Northern (Oenanthe oenanthe) adult – St. Kilda Island, Scotland

Wheatear Northern (Oenanthe oenanthe) adult – St. Kilda Island, Scotland

Robin European (Erithacus rubecula) adult – Herm Island, Guernsey

Dunnock (Prunella modularis) adult – Canna Island, Scotland

Map – Islands on the Edge of Great Britain – expedition 2024

Wagtail White ( Motacilla alba yarrellii) adult – Canna Island, Scotland

Razorbill (Alca torda) in flight – Skoma Island, Wales

Razorbill (Alca torda) adult at sea – Skoma Island, Wales

Razorbill (Alca torda) flock at sea – Isles Scilly, England

Razorbill (Alca torda) nesting – RSPB Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland

Murre Common (Uria aalge) bridled – St. Kilda, Scotland

Murre Common (Uria aalge) bridled – RSPB Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland

Murre Common (Uria aalge) Breeding Colony – RSPB Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland

Murre Common (Uria aalge) in flight – Grassholm Gannetry, Wales