Sheartail Slender (Doricha enicura) male near endemic – Mexico
Full SizeA hummingbird is a small target for the camera to focus on; often one needs to use manual focus. Also when in the forrest at some distance it is a challenge to get a high resolution photo. This one is no exception
- Species:Slender Sheartail (Doricha enicura)
- Bird Type:Male - near endemic
- FamilyHummingbirds (Trochilidae)
- Date Taken20160403
- Location:Sumidero Canyon
- Area:Near Tuxtla
- Country:Mexico
- Region:America Central
Photo File Ref: BCA05005a Sheartail Slender (m) E 2 Sumidero Canyon, nr Tuxtla Mexico Apr16 PH2_0838