Petrel Black Storm- (oceanodroma melania) adult, near endemic – Mexico
Full SizeWe had to take a small motor boat several miles off shore to spot this Black Storm Petrel along with Least Storm Petrel, Pink-Footed Shearwater and Galapagos Sheawater. Taking this photo in a rough sea and moving motor boat was quite a challenge.
- Species:Black Storm-Petrel (oceanodroma melania)
- Bird Type:Adult - near endemic
- FamilyStorm Petrels (Hydrobatidae)
- Date Taken20160413
- Location:Pelagic boat trip near Puerto Angel
- Area:Near Puerto Angel Port
- Country:Mexico
- Region:America Central
Photo File Ref: BCA00409ac Petrel Black Storm- NE 2 Pelagic trip at Puerto Angel, Mexico Apr16 PH2_4808