Gull Lesser Black-Backed (Larus fuscus) adult – Cape West South Africa
Full SizeAgulhas is the southern most point of Africa: Location Info Latitude: S 34°49.984′ (34°49’59.0″) Longitude: E 20°0.116′ (20°0’7.0″) Altitude: 2.00m Altitude Reference: Sea level Heading: UTC: 2016/01/09 08:59:29.00 Map Datum: WGS 84
- Species:Lesser Black-Backed Gull (Larus fuscus)
- Bird Type:Adult
- FamilyGulls, Terns and Skimmers (Laridae)
- Date Taken20160109
- Location:Cape Agulhas
- Area:Southern Cape
- Country:South Africa
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA18402a Gull Lesser Black-Backed 1 Cape Agulhas Southern Cape RSA Jan16 PH1_9187