Gull Lesser Black-backed (Larus fuscus) imm, juv & adult – Peterhead Bay Aberdeenshire Scotland
Full SizeI included this photo only to illustrate the Immature, Juvenile & Adult alongside each other.
- Species:Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)
- Bird Type:Immature, Juvenile & Adult
- FamilyGulls, Terns and Skimmers (Laridae)
- Date Taken20210827
- Location:Peterhead Bay
- Area:Aberdeenshire
- Country:Scotland
- Region:All Europe
Photo File Ref: BOE19002ae Gull Lesser Black-backed (imm, juv & Adul) 2 Peterhead Bay Aberdeenshire Scotland Aug21 PH85_7288