Fulmar Northern (Fulmarus glacialis) light type, in flight – Arctic Norway
Full SizeAt N81′.3.2″degs inside the Arctic Circle near Phippsoya , it was probably the furthest north we were able to sail as the ice flows and icebergs were everywhere.
- Species:Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)
- Bird Type:Light type - in flight
- FamilyPetrels, Shearwaters (Procellariidae)
- Date Taken20220703
- Location:Phippsoya Arctic Circle N80.5degs
- Area:Svalbard
- Country:Norway
- Region:All Europe
Photo File Ref: BOE06801ac Fulmar Northern (light) 1 Phippsoya Arctic Circle N81'.3.2"degs Svalbard Norway July22 PH850_1717