Coucal Greater (Centropus sinensis) – India
Full SizeGrimmet’s list the Southern Coucal (Centropus parroti) which is grayish in the ear area.
An elusive bird that is usually on the move and very difficult to get the colours and detai together. This Coucal flew into the bush almost in front of me in perfect light, stayed for a few seconds and departed. Such is the luck of good photography and fast reaction.
- Species:Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis)
- Bird Type:Adult
- FamilyCuckoos (Cuculidae)
- Date Taken20111224
- Location:Saguna Baugh, Neral
- Area:Maharastra
- Country:India
- Region:Indian Sub-Continent
Photo File Ref: BSC08701a Coucal Greater 1 Saguna Baugh Neral MH India Dec11 PH7_5060