Buzzard-Eagle Black-Chested (geranoaetus melanoleucus) pullus in nest – Chile
Full SizeCapturing this picture called for me to climb over 200m up a rocky mountain overlooking the Cell Phone Tower where the Black-Chested Buzzard-Eagles had built their nest and hatched the pullus that was only a week or so old. I waited over 2 hours for the adults to return to the nest. but they did not settle until dark but got nice picture of them in flight.
- Species:Black-Chested Buzzard-Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus)
- Bird Type:Pulls in nest
- FamilyKites, Hawks & Eagles (Accipitridae)
- Date Taken20131223
- Location:Las Brisas de Chicureo
- Area:Santiago
- Country:Chile
- Region:Southern America
Photo File Ref: BSA02904ef Eagle Black-Chested Buzzard- (nest & pullus) 3 Las Brisas de Chicureo Santiago Chile Dec13 PH2_9122