Birding Tracker Map – Kruger Challenge South Africa Feb. 2019
Full SizeKruger19 International Challenge
This is illustrates the overall journey from Berg-en-dal the very south of Kruger to ver north Pafuri on the Limpopo Rive boarder with Zimbabwe. Overall we did 1’630 km up and down and around many loops. From Johannesburg and back we did a further 1,000km.
The group of some 100 birders spotting over 10 days saw 378 out of 486 know species recoded in the area. Our group, the Cape Bird Club, saw 267 and I added 15 new species and many more to my South African list.
- Date Taken20190214
- Area:Kruger Mpumalanga & Kruger Limpopo Provinces
- Country:South Africa
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA00020 Tracking Map Kruger19 Challenge RSA Feb19 PH3_8381