Barbet Red-and-Yellow (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus) male – Kenya
Full SizeEndemic to North East Africa this super image of the Red-and-Yellow Barbet was taken by my friend Carmel Greenwood while in Kenya and is added as a Guest Photographer with thanks. A much better image to what I saw in Ethiopia, it displays the tail quite clearly. The male is distinctive from the female with larger black patch on the head and reddish collar around the throat.
- Species:Red-and-Yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)
- Bird Type:Male
- FamilyBarbets African (Lybiidae)
- Date Taken20240818
- Location:Laikipia Ranch
- Area:Lolldaig
- Country:Kenya
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA30806a Barbet Red-and-Yellow 3 Lolldaiga, Laikipia, Kenya Aug24 CIG_1808c.JPG