Woodpecker Ladder-Backed (Picoides scalaris) – Mexico
Full SizeWhen bird spotting and especially bird photography, often one only gets a fleeting glimpse of a specie, this diagnostic photo only shows the ladder pattern on the back.
- Species:Ladder-Backed Woodpecker (Picoides scalaris)
- Bird Type:Male
- FamilyWoodpeckers (Picidae)
- Date Taken20160415
- Location:Yagul Archeological site
- Area:Near Oaxaca
- Country:Mexico
- Region:America Central
Photo File Ref: BCA05501b Woodpecker Ladder-Backed (m) 3 Yagul Archeological site nr. Oaxaca Mexico 15April16La Solidad, to Oaxaca Mexico Apr16 PH2_5759