Tern Sooty (Onychoprion fuscatus) in flight – Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
Full SizeThis is one of my stock pictures taken recently in Polynesia. While we did not see the bird on the island it is a regular visitor.
The Sooty Tern known by the ancient people of Easter Island was called Manutara which was the object of their competition to present the first migrating bird’s egg to their Chief (refer to earlier notes). Its scientific name was Sterna Fuscata but was renamed as Onychoprion Fuscatus.
- Species:Sooty Tern (Onychoprion fuscatus)
- Bird Type:Adult in flight
- FamilyGulls, Terns and Skimmers( Laridae)
- Date Taken20160915
- Location:Aride Island
- Area:Seychelles
- Country:Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
- Region:Australasia
Photo File Ref: BEI10903ac Tern Sooty (Rapa Nui Reference) 1 Aride Island Seychelles Sept16 PH1_7104