Sparrow Prevost’s Ground (Melozone biarcuata) endemic – Mexico
Full SizeThis was one of the most challenging of photos as the Provost’s Ground Sparrow lurks behind reeds and long grass. As a diagnostic photo one can discern the markings, especially the large white patch around the eye.
- Species:Prevost's Ground Sparrow (Melozone biarcuata)
- Bird Type:Adult - endemic
- FamilyBuntings, New World Sparrows and Allies (Emberizidae)
- Date Taken20160404
- Location:Jaltenango road
- Area:Towards Finka Prusia
- Country:Mexico
- Region:America Central
Photo File Ref: BCA09118a Sparrow Prevost's Ground E 3 Jaltenango road to Finka Prusia, Mexico Apr16 PH2_1277