Snipe Pin-Tailed (Gallinago stenura) – China
Full SizeWas called Swinhoe’s Snipe. This bird was assessed as the Pin-Tailed Snipe as against the Greater Painted Snipe but without tail detail, when it flies, one cannot be sure, we did not flush it as it was busy feeding. However, the probability and location suggests it is the Pin-Tailed Snipe.
- Species:Pin-Tailed Snipe (Gallinago stenura)
- Bird Type:Adult
- FamilySandpipers, Snipes (Scolopacidae)
- Date Taken20160828
- Location:Erla Pass nr Wenquan
- Area:Qinghai Prov.
- Country:China
- Region:All China
Photo File Ref: BOC0360332a Snipe Pintail (or Swinhoe's) 1 Erla Pass nr Wenquan Qinghai Prov. China Aug16 PH1_4453