Roller Racket-Tailed (Coracias spatulatus) – Kafue N.P. Zambia
Full SizeThe Racket-Tailed Roller is difficult to spot and photograph as it favours perching below the canopy unlike other Rollers who perch conspicuously on wires or bare trees ensuring they have clear sight of their environment.
- Species:Racket-Tailed Roller (Coracias spatulatus)
- Bird Type:Adult
- FamilyRollers (Coraciidae)
- Date Taken20150427
- Location:Kafue Nat. Park
- Area:Kafue River Near Mukambi Lodge
- Country:Zambia
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA27804a Roller Racket-Tailed 1 Kafue Nat. Park Zambia April15 PH1_4697