Pigeon Seychelles Blue (Alectroenas pulcherrimus) endemic – Seychelles
Full SizeThe body normally appears black but as can be seen in this view the blue is visible. The Seychelles Blue Pigeon has a distinctive bright red patch of orbital skin extending from forehead to crown that looks more like a growth! Interestingly the bird has muscular gizzards that break down seeds to aid digestion unlike other pigeons that pass through the seeds for distribution.
- Species:Seychelles Blue Pigeon (Alectroenas pulcherrimus)
- Bird Type:Adult - endemic
- FamilyPigeons, Doves (Columbidae)
- Date Taken20160924
- Location:Mahe Island
- Area:Central Seychelles
- Country:Seychelles
- Region:All Indian Ocean
Photo File Ref: BIO10004a Pigeon Seychelles Blue E 2 Mahe Seychelles Sept16 PH1_8128