Phalarope Red-Necked (Phalaropus lobatus) flock of vagrants – West Cape South Africa
Full SizeFirst time I have sighted three vagrant Red-necked Phalaropes in one place.
- Species:Red-Necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
- Bird Type:Non breeding flock of Vagrants
- FamilySandpipers, Snipes (Scolopacidae)
- Date Taken20200211
- Location:Kuifkopvisvanger Veldriff Salt Pans
- Area:West Cape
- Country:South Africa
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA18004d Phalerope Red-necked V3 Kuifkopvisvanger Veldriff Salt Pans Western Cape RSA PH5_5158