Motu Kao Kao & Nui Islets nest of the Sooty Tern, seen from Orongo – Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
Full SizeTo give some perspective, Sandy and me (with camera) at Orongo overlooking the Motu Nui and pinnacle islet of Motu Koa Kao that are 1.4km from the mainland. This is where many marine birds, especially the Sooty Tern nest. The site is where accommodation made of ‘dry stone construction’ where the Clans would live during the Birdman Competition. It is an ancient site.
It is possible to view the curvature of the horizon from the 300m tiff of Orongo close to the massive volcano depression.
- Species:Sooty Tern (Onychoprion fuscatus)
- Bird Type:Adult Breeding
- FamilyGulls, Terns and Skimmers( Laridae)
- Date Taken20191016
- Location:Orongo
- Area:South East Rapa Nui
- Country:Easter Island
- Region:Australasiaa
Photo File Ref: BEI00011 Motu Kao Kao & Nui from Orongo - Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Oct19 PH4_0889