Longclaw Fülleborn’s (Macronyx fuelleborni) endemic – Northern Province Zambia
Full SizeA challenging photo of this seldom seen endemic captured at dusk near the Shiwa Ngandu Lake with the mist coming in.
- Species:Fülleborn's Longclaw (Macronyx fuelleborni)
- Bird Type:Adult - endemic
- FamilyWagtails, Pipits (Motacillidae)
- Date Taken20090912
- Location:Shiwa Ngandu off the Great North Road
- Area:Northern Province
- Country:Zambia
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA36602a Longclaw Fülleborn's E 3 Shiwa Ngandu Zambia Sept09 PWH_2195