Junglefowl Red (Gallus gallus) – Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
Full SizeOriginating in the foothills of the Himalayers of India, the Junglefowl was domesticated around 5000 years ago but is still wild in may areas. This specimen may be feral but was seen wandering amongst the ruins of Rapa Nui. It would have been introduced by the original settlers.
- Species:Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)
- Bird Type:Male
- FamilyPheasants, Fowl & Allies (Phasianidae)
- Date Taken20191017
- Location:Anate Pahu
- Area:Volanic Tubes area
- Country:Easter Island
- Region:Australasia
Photo File Ref: BEI00302a Junglefowl Red (m) 1 Easter Ils Australasia PH4_0994