Flycatcher Buff-Breasted (Empidonax fulvifrons) endemic’s nest – Mexico
Full SizeThe endemic, Buff-Breasted Flycatcher’s small and exposed nest sitting on the lower branch is almost disguised as a piece of lichen.
- Species:Buff-Breasted Flycatcher (Empidonax fulvifrons)
- Bird Type:Nest - endemic
- FamilyTyrant Flycatchers (Tyrannidae)
- Date Taken20160421
- Location:Cima Pine Forrest
- Area:Near Mexico City
- Country:Mexico
- Region:America Central
Photo File Ref: BCA06614f Flycatcher Buff-Breasted (nest) 2 Cima Pine Forrest nr. Mexico City, Mexico Apr16 PH2_7561