Condor Andean (vultur gryphus) male in flight – Chile
Full SizeWe heard on the BBC that if you wanted to see Condors then go to the city dump in Santiago, they were right as the day before we went up the Andes with no success! We had the same result in Ecuador climbing 3500m to Antisana, just saw white droppings where they are supposed to be.
- Species:Andean Condor (vultur gryphus)
- Bird Type:Male
- FamilyKites, Hawks & Eagles (Accipitridae)
- Date Taken20131224
- Location:Montenegro Garbage Dump
- Area:Santiago
- Country:Chile
- Region:Southern America
Photo File Ref: BSA02903ac Condor Andean (m) 3 Montenegro Garbage Dump nr Santiago Chile 24Dec13 PH2_9370