Barbet Chaplin’s (Lybius chaplini) nest hole in tree, endemic – Southern ProvinceZambia
Full SizeAs Zambia’s only endemic they now wish to rename the bird as ‘Zambia Barbet’ the jury is still out on this desire.
We travelled to Choma and then 30km to Masuku, a wonderful haven in the bush like the ‘Out of Africa’ home to specifically photograph this rare bird. We were lucky as on the first outing we saw two barbets in great light. A special experience adding this bird to the collection.
Martin our guide pointed out this hole in a dead tree where the local Chaplin’s Barbet breeds.
- Species:Chaplin's Barbet (Lybius chaplini)
- Bird Type:Nest hole in tree - endemic
- FamilyBarbets African (Lybiidae)
- Date Taken20150421
- Location:Masuku Lodge Bruce's Farm near Choma
- Area:Southern Province
- Country:Zambia
- Region:All Africa South of Sahara
Photo File Ref: BOA30207f Barbet Chaplin's (nest) E 2 Masuku Lodge Choma Zambia April15 PH1_4117